Sunday, February 22, 2009

32. Punisher War Zone

Coming soon (sneak peek: started off promising only to be a cock tease of awesomeness)

31. Alien

Coming soon (sneak peek: one of my all time faves)

30. Senseless

Coming soon (sneak peek: still loved it)

29. Choke

Coming soon (sneak peek: not as bad as I thought it would be)

28. The Ruins

Coming soon (sneak peek: pretty close to the book)

27. Malefique

A really good horror film from France. A white collar criminal named Carerre is locked up with three more violent offenders in a shabby, stone prison. But Carerre has nothing to fear. Soon, his wife and lawyers will have his bail money straightened out and he'll be out of prison in no time. But then the bad news. His wife is leaving him. Stuck in prison with no chance of getting out, Carerre's answer is found in a journal hidden behind a brick. Yet, as he and his fellow bunk mates begin to explore the journal, they find there may be darker secrets found in its pages.

I had really low expectations going into this low budget film, but was pleasantly surprised. The first hour rolled along quickly without any dull moments. The last 30 minutes gets a little strange, but fits well with the rest of the story. It seems like France is taking its place as the new king of horror with Japan still spinning its wheels with the long haired ghosts and America with its 320932023 remakes. Not as gory as Inside and Frontier(s), but just as tense. Good stuff.


This was director Eric Vallete's first movie. He could be something to watch out for in the future.

Monday, February 16, 2009

26. Gran Torino

All you need to know is that Clint Eastwood fucking tears through this movie. He gives one of the best performances ever. This movie would be an all time classic if fucking ANYONE else in the movie showed up. The other two main roles are terribly acted. In fact, to be fair, only Clint Eastwood shows up in this movie, except for maybe the barber's role.


As my brother put it...this movie is a borderline comedy due to the racist statements. Too funny. Movie would be 10/10 if Eastwood actually cast somewhat decent actors in the other roles.

From now on, I will keep track of the best performances/movies.

1. Val Kilmer in Tombstone
2. Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven
3. Daniel Day Lewis in Gangs of New York
4. Heath Ledger in Dark Knight
5. Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino
6. Choi Min-Sik in Oldboy
7. Mickey Rourke in Sin City
8. Lee Byung-Hun in A Bittersweet Life
9. Jung Woo-Sung in Musa
10. Song Kang-Ho in Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Best Movies
1. A Bittersweet Life
2. Jaws
3. Dark Knight
4. Oldboy
5. Unforgiven
6. Sunshine
7. Equilibrium
8. Musa
9. Sin City
10. Se7en

Keep in mind, the Best Movies category changes daily. The Best Performances might change ranking, but the top 10 are pretty much always the same.

25. Pootie Tang

Amazing. So funny. So overlooked. Great. Watch today.


His song is the best EVER.

24. Four Brothers

It's really good. Marky Mark is good and actually looks pissed for once. Usually when he's supposed to look pissed, he just looks constipated. Everyone plays their role to a T. Good stuff.


Lots of gay jokes.

23. Chocolate

For kung fu fans only. The plot, as is the norm for most kung fu films, is horrible. However, the action is top notch. From the creator of Ong Bak and The Protector, this proves that MAYBE an action director makes the film, not the actor/actress. The tag line is hilarious though. "A special needs girl with special needs." Wow...


Watch for action scenes...nothing else.

Getting Caught Up

In order to get caught up on all the movies I watched, I'll make short reviews of all the movies I've seen but haven't review yet. Hopefully, with all my other projects, I'll be caught up soon and can write more than just "he called them the 'two yoots'". No promises though.

In the meantime... check out my creative writing site.

Friday, February 13, 2009

22. Blindness

Whoever produced and edited the trailer for this movie should be given a fucking Oscar for actually making this piece of shit movie look interesting. People suddenly start going blind and are quarantined in some shitty building. One of them can see. Why are they going blind? Why are the guards who surround the building unaffected? I'll never know because I never made it to the end of the movie.

Danny Glover is in the movie in his most visually challenged role to date as a blind man. Instead of staring off into space like some of the other blind folks did, Danny effin Glover shows of his acting expertise by putting on sunglasses so you cant even see his eyes. Top notch stuff.


A negative point for every time I wished I was blind during the movie.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

21. Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist

People drive around.

By the way, fucking Michael Cera plays the same GODDAMN character in very fucking movie. Arrested Development, Nick and Nora's, Superbad....SAME CHARACTER.

If you liked Superbad, but thought it needed more scenes of people driving around aimlessly, then this is the movie for you!


Fuck you, Michael Cera. You are the new Adam Sandler.

20. The Princess Bride

Pretty good movie. Andre the Giant was the shit. Has one of the all time greatest lines in it. "My name is Ingo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


Good shit.

Monday, February 2, 2009

19. Unforgiven

One of the best movies ever. If you havent seen it, see it.


After being told he shot an unarmed man, Clint remarks, "He should have armed himself."

Hells yeah. Awesome.