Sunday, January 25, 2009

13. Silmido

Ka-BOOM! Continuing the Korean movie trend whilst sick and lying on the couch, I decided to watch Silmido, a movie somewhat sorta maybe almost based on a true story about a super secret military unit. Made up of 31 men scheduled to be put to death for their crimes, the unit is formed with one goal: to sneak into North Korea and kill Kim Il-Sung, the "great" leader.

And these 31 guys are put through hell. The training they go through is so horrible, at times death would seem to be a much better option. So why do they keep going? After completing their top secret mission, they will get a heroes return and be allowed back into society. So they put up with getting their asses kicked by their superiors and the guards, being put through all sorts of torturous training, and struggling to learn to work together when the government says, "Oops, our bad guys. We changed our minds. No more mission. And oh yeah, your death sentences are back on."

Naturally, this doesnt sit well with the soldiers in training, who were, after all, put here because they were outcasts from society.

There was a good amount of action, as you probably guessed, but the main strength of this movie is the acting. Ahn Sung-ki (who is in every Korean movie ever made) brings his usual good acting as the commander in charge of beating the troops into shape, but the real stars are two of the 31 convicts. Chung Jae-young plays his usual bad-ass-with-an-attitude role to a T. The award for baddest-mofo-on-Earth belongs to Sol Kyung-gu. I swear, everytime he is on the screen, you can just feel the anger eminating from the TV and karate chopping you in the face. He even has the crazy eyes down pat. He makes this movie.


So good so good. Watch it now. Find it on netflix. Search for it on ebay. It's a winner.

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