Monday, January 19, 2009

10. Generation Kill

This is technically not a movie, but it's my blog so I'll write about whatever I want to, mofo. A short miniseries that aired on HBO, Generation Kill is an account of one group of soldiers time in Iraq. It's a pretty good look at what kind of BS they have to go through over there, from dodging enemy bullets to their own commanders' terrible judgment. I'm not sure if this is based on real accounts and I'm too lazy to look it up, so I will assume it is and assume that soldiers have a shitload to put up with over there. It really makes you identify with the soldiers and feel for what they are going through. At the same time, you also have to empathize with some of the commanders because they are put into a tough spot where they hold the lives of many men in their hands. Good shit.

No Morgan Freeman or Danny Glover. But there is a guy called Godfather because he has a raspy voice like...the...Godfather. Lots of explosions, lots of death, lots of f-bombs.


Oh yeah...James Ransone is a star in the making. Between this and The Wire, he chews up every role he's in. Watch out for him.

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