Sunday, January 18, 2009

7. Let The Right One In

Ah. Middle school. Who doesn't remember those days fondly? The teasing. The bullying. Being beaten and bloodied. Dreading going to school. That's exactly how Oskar feels. In between being bullied at school and ignored at home, he spends his time plotting revenge and following the developing news of a serial killer targeting young boys. All in all, he lives a sad, lonely, normal life.

That is, until the new neighbors move in. They move in overnight, covering all the windows in their apartment. He meets Eli, a young girl whom Oskar only sees outside of the apartments at night. Eli gives Oskar courage to stand up to his attackers, but is there something more to this seemingly innocent young girl?

This movie has been making the rounds as of late, snatching up awards at various film festivals throughout the world. The movie is a coming of age story, with a dash of horror and suspense. If you get a chance to check this movie out, either in its limited theatrical release or when it comes out on DVD. It takes a bit to develop, but once it gets going, it doesnt let up. Very highly recommended.

Because this movie is from Sweden, there is no Morgan Freeman or Danny Glover. No explosions either, but there is a good bit of horror and gore throughout.


Check it out for a fresh take on what has become a very stale genre.

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